New Year, New Makers
It’s late January, the hoorah of the new year has officially died off, and you’re out and about, admiring how the sky is the exact same colour as the ground. All of a sudden you run into your cousin’s ex who, because it’s Winnipeg, also happens to be your hairdresser. You have to say something, it’ll be weird if you don’t. You can’t say happy new year, it’s too late for that. You can’t say happy Folk Fest, that’s months away. What now?
As a city of small talkers, we’re facing a huge dilemma. We’ve reached a lull.
Not at Made Here. We’re buzzing. It’s a new year, we’ve got new goals, and some very exciting new makers. Check out these two buzzworthy new vendors we can’t stop talking about.

Kind + Co. (@kindshopco)
In this great province, there are a few unspoken rules: spring starts when BDI opens, it’s never too cold for a Slurpee, and, if Cheryl Lashek’s name isn’t on an elevator, take the stairs.
Lashek’s signature is celebrated across the city. You know you can trust her to weed out the faulty elevators from the good ones, but did you know that you can also trust her to create stunning jewelry? #InCherylWeTrust
With Kind + Co., Cheryl creates a range of handmade pieces that are equally delicate, charming, and inspirational.
Each piece is created knowing that even the daintiest jewelry can carry tremendous meaning.
“You can find a piece of jewelry that reminds you of a happy moment in your life, or maybe a piece that reminds you that you made it through a difficult one,” Cheryl says.
There’s one message she hopes to spread with every piece of her Manitoba-made collection: be kind.

Beautiful Mess Studios (@beautifulmessstudios)
Think back to the days of family camping trips, afternoons at the beach, catching your first fish...which body of water do you see? That’s your lake. The stunning papercuttings from Beautiful Mess Studios have the power to encapsulate that beloved lake and the memories that swim within it.
“I am awestruck by the beauty of the natural world, both in the seen and unseen...and sometimes forgotten. I try my best to capture those little wonders in my work,” says artist Gail Bacosa-Puhawan.
Inspired by nature, childhood curiosity, and science, Gail uses various shades of paper to artfully and accurately depict some of the 110,000+ lakes that decorate this province.
Here’s to a great year with great makers
Now, next time you run into Carl, you’ll know exactly what to say: did you hear about the new makers at Made Here? That’s right. Who’s hip now, Carl?
The lull will be broken. The day: saved. The city: back in action.