Oops, You Missed Valentine’s Day
It’s a Hallmark holiday. Time is a social construct. You put me in such a trance, I haven’t known what day it is for months.
No matter what excuse you muster up for having forgotten Valentine's Day, these Manitoba-made goodies will say: of course I still love you.
If you can viciously scarf down an entire bag of toffee, ala Cookie Monster post juice cleanse, in front of your boo and they still love you, then you know it’s real.
These chocolatey, buttery, cashew-y toffee bites are crazy addictive. And they’re gluten-free, so they’re the perfect sweet treat for your GFGF (gluten-free girlfriend, duh).
Jillian Leigh Jewelry
Nothing says “please forgive me” like jewelry.
These darling pieces from Jillian Leigh Jewelry will remind your partner that even though you have horrible organizational skills and forget most dates, meetings, and holidays, at least you have impeccable taste.
Essentially Handmade
Never underestimate a bath’s ability to dissolve a grudge. These floral embellished bath salts from Essentially Handmade will make any bath oh-so soakable.
The Love Potion Collection boasts an array of all-natural perfume oils straight out of a fairytale. That one where Prince Charming is a few days late, and Beauty just gets to nap a little bit longer, and instead of just giving her some sloppy kiss, he shows up with some really awesome gifts and it all turns out totally peachy in the end.
Made Here With Love
Whether St. Valentine is breathing down your neck or not, Made Here carries the most lovable local goods all year long.