Boligrafo Bonito - Wood Pens

The idea for Boligrafo Bonito began when I noticed that some of the craftspeople I knew had, what seemed to me, an extensive amount of "waste material" when making their wooden products. Pieces that were too short or skinny for what they needed ended up going in the garbage, despite efforts on their behalf to reduce wood waste. I decided to look up ways to use small wood offcut pieces and decided to try my hand at making pens. 
Each pen is hand shaped, finished, and assembled by me in a fabrication lab in the exchange district in Winnipeg. I do my best to ensure that there are a variety of options for shape and finish to cater to different preferences for aesthetics and pen grip. All wood used is salvaged from offcut pieces to reduce wood waste, reroute wood from landfills, and reduce the overall carbon footprint of local businesses.